Sunday, December 29, 2019

9 Ways to Be More Memorable in Any Conversation

9 Ways to Be More Memorable in Any Conversation9 Ways to Be More Memorable in Any ConversationSuccess often depends on being memorable. Who would you hire the nice but unremarkable candidate or the one who wowed you with not only her skills but her charisma? Who would you give the raise to the guy who finishes all his projects but never gets noticed, or the guy who strategically calls attention to his wins? Who would you stay in touch with after a conference the woman whose anthroponym youve already forgotten, or the professional who captivated the crowd with her hilarious stories?Its obvious you want to be the second person in all these scenarios. Wondering how to cultivate that memorability? Here are nine techniques.Come up with a unique way of describing yourself and your background. (Business Insider)Pay attention to people. Theyll leave the conversation feeling respected and important. (The Daily Muse)Before you enter a room, listen to a song that gets you pumped. (Huffington Po st)Find a cause. This gives people something with which to remember you (plus, you get to do good.) (Inc.)When people ask you, Hows it going? give an answer that stands out, rather than busy or stressed. (The Daily Muse)Look for commonalities when you talk to others. Lets face it, its easier to remember someone who has something in common with us. (Strategic Solutions)Give out compliments. As long as theyre genuine, youll create a lasting impression. (LinkedIn Pulse)Remember their names and stories. Unfortunately, getting those details right is pretty rare- so youll stand out (Inc.)End things on a good note. When the person youre talking to starts summarizing the conversation or decreasing eye contact, its time to go. (Womans Day)Photo of pfote with string courtesy of Shutterstock.

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