Monday, November 18, 2019

Coping with the Initial Letdown of a Layoff

Coping with the Initial Letdown of a Layoff Coping with the Initial Letdown of a Layoff A job layoff comes with a cascade of emotions. Anger. Frustration. Grief. Disbelief. Disorientation. Even exhaustion. It might feel like you’ll never quite figure out what to do or how to put your professional life back on track. But there are ways to approach coping with the initial letdown of a layoff so that you can begin to recuperate from your job loss. We’re going to cover how to: talk with your family and friends about being laid off, cut expenses, file for unemployment, and give yourself a chance to recuperate from the loss. But first, let’s start right there: job loss. A layoff is also known as a job loss because it’s exactly that- a loss. Your relationships with coworkers, managers, and even your friends and family feel like they change overnight when you’re let go from a job. In many cases, when the layoff is abrupt and immediate, there’s not even time to think about your situation before you’re out of work. In order to cope with the letdown of a layoff, you first have to acknowledge the loss and move through it. Until you deal with some key issues, you can’t truly begin to recover, both as a person and a professional. And what we most need after we’ve suffered a job loss is that feeling of recovery. So let’s get started. 4 Steps to Cope with the Letdown of a Layoff 1. Talking to Friends and Family That old adage of honesty as the best policy is true in this situation for sure. If you have a spouse and/or children, talk with them honestly about what’s happened. For you and for them, this openness and honesty will make all the changes to come much more manageable. For example, your daily routine will be changing, so talk to your kids in an age-appropriate way about needing to find a new job and what that means for your schedule and theirs. It’s completely normal to feel embarrassed or ashamed after being laid off. And you might try to put on a brave face, or distance yourself from your closest family and friends, but don’t. They can act as a support network to keep you positive as you work to find a new job. By being open and honest up front, you’ll set the stage for a positive job search with the support you’ll need. 2. Filing for Unemployment Filing for unemployment can take a good amount of time, so start as soon as possible. Depending on the state where you live, there are multiple ways to file for unemployment: by visiting your state’s unemployment website over the phone by mail 3. Cutting Expenses As for cutting any expenses that aren’t totally necessary to your daily living, it’s time to estimate how long your job search might take, so you’ll know how much time you might be without a steady paycheck. This TIME article goes to great lengths to figure out the average length of a job search, which they pin at 43 days, but this estimate is based on how long it takes employers to fill a job,  which has exactly zero to do with how long it might take an individual to find a job. The length of your job search will vary depending on your industry, location, and career level. But, as career expert Liz Ryan points out, you have a lot more control over the length of your job search than you think. Writing about the average length of a job search, Ryan says, “You have to take control of your career if you want to start working. You cant sit back and say ‘Well, Ive heard this job search could take months, so Im chilling. Its going to take forever anyway- so I send out a few resumes each week.’ Thats passive. Wheres the altitude in that? A job hunt is not like taking a number at the deli and waiting for your number to be called! You have to be out in the marketplace meeting people all the time and researching specific employers and hiring managers.” One way to determine the potential length of your own job search is to ask people in your network who’ve recently changed jobs how long the entire process took them. This also helps open up conversations about your new status as a job seeker, and puts you in their minds as someone to remember if they hear of any openings. 4. Taking Time to Recuperate As mentioned  before, losing a job is truly a loss, so give yourself time to move through feelings like grief, frustration, disorientation, and worry. If your former employer gives you access to counselors and career coaches, use them! Talking with a trained unemployment counselor can have a really positive impact on all of the negative feelings you’re experiencing, and they can point you to more helpful resources. Think you need to get a new job ASAP? Stop for just a minute and evaluate your situation. Could this be the time to go back to school, switch careers, or look for a more flexible work arrangement? It may have a greater payoff in the long run. Assessing what you really want in a new position will set you up for a more productive job search, and potentially, a more rewarding future. Start with where you are- experiencing a loss. And then work through each of these steps to help move yourself along in the process. This mindful approach will help you make small and important progress every single day, which eventually adds up to bigger milestones, and eventually, that next job. Looking for even more help recovering from your layoff? partnered with LinkedIn Learning to create a whole course for you. Get a 30 day free trial with unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning’s full course catalog! Here’s an overview on Recovering from a Layoff to learn more about the course.

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